Auto Pool Plan

What is Auto Pool Plan ?

In Multi-Level marketing, structure of Auto pool plan is same as structure of matrix plan. Auto pool plan is possible in matrix structure only. It has a fixed numbers of width and depth in which placement of distributors will be done automatically from left to right and top to bottom.

Crowdfunding Plan

What is Crowdfunding Plan ?

In Multi-Level Marketing, Crowdfunding plan is trending and very fast moving plan. Despite of being declared illegal by Indian government, many companies use it as a platform to raise capital by gathering large numbers of people for their business or personal project.

 How Crowdfunding plan works ?

Helping Plan

What is Helping Plan ?

In Multi-Level marketing, helping plan has become one of the most popular plans nowadays because companies can earn great deal of money in very short period of time. It has different names like gifting plan or donation plan which is used by many MLM companies at national as well as international levels. But according to the guidelines for direct selling company in India, helping plan is declared illegal because it falls under money laundering scheme.

Monoline Plan

What is Monoline Plan ?

Monoline plan is one of the popular plans in MLM industry which is running successfully until now with minor modification that suits company’s taste. Like any other plans in MLM it has different names too, like single leg plan, linear plan, straight line plan etc. Because of its structure, this plan is one of the simplest and pretty transparent plan which makes it easy to understand.

How Monoline plan works ?

Board Plan

What is Board Plan ?

In Multi-Level marketing, Board plan is one of the most complicated plans in terms of structure as well as calculation. Board plan is structured in a way that strikes good balance between both business of company and individual growth of distributor. It is also known as revolving matrix plan because board plan has multiple matrixes in genealogy and distributors revolve between those matrixes.

Bi-Gen Plan

What is Bi-Gen Plan ?

Binary Generation (Bi-Gen) plan is designed by merging binary plan’s structure and generation plan’s calculation methods. It is mainly used by companies who are into products selling and want to promote repurchase of products in their organization. Nowadays, Bi-Gen plan is one of the most trending plans in MLM industry. Like generation plan, this plan is also good for MLM companies who are having their own manufacturing and want to sell their products by non-conventional methods.

Generation Plan

What is Generation Plan ?

Generation plan is one of the most important compensation plans for those MLM companies who are purely into product selling. Like other plans in MLM, Generation plan also has different names like gap commission plan or repurchase plan. This plan is useful for MLM companies who are into selling consumable goods (i.e. FMCG products) because this plan works on mouth publicity rather than commercial advertisement.

Uni-level Plan

What is Uni-level Plan ?

Uni-Level plan is globally acknowledged and one of the easiest plans to present in MLM industry. Many international companies consider Uni-level plan as one of the most effective plan in MLM industry because the income calculation in Uni-Level plan is easy. Here if you want to earn more money, you need to build a team which helps you sell more products. Hence, many people call it “working plan” as well.

Matrix Plan

What is Matrix Plan ?

In Multi-Level marketing, almost every MLM plan structure is somewhat similar to the structure of matrix plan. For example, binary plan is 2 x N matrix plan, generation plan is N x N matrix plan etc

Matrix Plan is also known as Forced Matrix Plan because it works on the principal of fixed width and depth in a structure. It looks like a ladder where recruits are arranged into fixed number of rows and columns that is why many people refer it as Ladder plan.

Binary Plan

What is Binary Plan ?

In Multi-Level Marketing, Binary plan is one of the most famous and attractive compensation plans. As Compared to other plans in MLM, it is also most common and easy to understand plan.

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